Ralph Russell

I was on the staff of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, from 1949 to 1981, and headed the Urdu department for all but the first year. Throughout this time my personal relations with my colleagues have always been amicable but my relations with the SOAS establishment as such, although amicable in tone, have always been sharply critical. I waged a continuing battle with the establishment from about 1968 and it was still continuing when I retired in 1981.

A detailed account of this was published by the Council for Academic Freedom and Democracy in 1973, entitled Oriental Despotism, A Report on the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. When on the 28th June 2007 SOAS organized in my honour a celebration under the heading Urdu 1950 to 2007 the organizers reprinted this report.

Ralph Russell day at SOAS >

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